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Thursday, October 13, 2011

On Tim Tebow

Dear Christians-who-love-sports:

Tim Tebow does not "deserve" to be starting.

I know, I'm a heathen, aren't I?

Lemme esplain.

I have seen status after status the past five weeks bemoaning the fact that Tebow hasn't gotten to play or start. And just about everyone insists that it MUST be because he's a Christian.

I have a startling theory to share with you.

Maybe, just maybe, he hasn't started til now because...he isn't that awesome at the game of professional football.

I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.

There are many Christians in the NFL. Tebow is not the only one. There are also many backups in the NFL. And many of them work just as hard as Tebow.

I have nothing against Tim Tebow. I think he's a great guy who loves the Lord and happens to pay football. I'm just severely annoyed with people who think he "deseveres" to play and to start because he's a Christian. That really isn't related to football. It's a game. He isn't the only one that plays it.

P.S. I've even been backed up by a prof on this. He says Tebow is inconsistent and unready for the pros.

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