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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Selectively tolerant

Don't come after me wanting to argue and debate, because arguing and debating will change neither of our minds, it'll only make us angry with one another. This is simply my observation and you can do with it what you will.

Homosexuality is a sin. I'm never going to apologize for that statement. No, I am not "homophobic" and I don't hate gays, it's just a sin. Plain and simple. What I don't get is the Christian world's way of dealing with it. We go out of our way to make sure that everyone knows that we don't hate homosexuals (not a bad thing BTW). The part I don't understand is how, if we're so loving, we ignore and/or despise all the other "major sinners" around us. No one is making an effort to love shoplifters, rapists, gang members, or single parents. Why do we hurry to accept one type and not another? Please do not take away from this that I hate homosexuals, unwed moms, or anyone else. What I am trying to communicate is that in our culture of tolerance I think that we've lost sight of where we should be going. If we simply loved people that way Jesus did, would we have to protest or insist that we do? What if instead of debating or Facebook ranting we just loved people unconditionally, regardless of their choice sin? Maybe we should focus on our personal sins instead of those on the internet? I don't know, and I'm not claiming to know. I'm just wondering out loud. Out loud? On screen? Something on the interwebs..I dunno. Anyways, I just get tired of people yelling about how they love gays and please don't lump them in with those hateful Christians who don't like anyone but themselves...and on and on and on.

I don't know that this has really made any sense. I just think that if we are going to preach that God is a God of love, maybe we should act like it. Or maybe even actually believe it and learn to live it.

I don't understand at all how to love as Christ does. I used to think I had an idea, but then I was confronted with the hugeness and impossibility of it all. I don't get it at all. But someday I hope to. Just a little.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Jesus wasn't interested in being relevant.

Tis that wonderful time of the year when I decide to once again break out the ol' blog. We'll see how long it lasts this time. And in keeping with tradition, all following posts will quite possibly be rants and/or soap boxes. However, you may choose to read it or no, so I cannot be held responsible.

Why do we as Christians and the church care so much about being "relevant"? We bend over backwards with our music, our coffee shops, and our t-shirts, trying to prove to the world that we are indeed the in-thing. We try so hard to fit into the culture, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Before you yell at me, I will say that I definitely think that we need to be sensitive to those around us and to different situations and variables. We certainly should take into account the needs of the body as a whole.

I digress.

I could be mistaken, but Jesus seem pretty counter-cultural to me.

He turned the religious mindset of his followers upside down, healed on the Sabbath, and brought grace into the picture. He preached a message of love, joy, and turning the other cheek. He equated lust with adultery and hate with murder. He wasn't popular. He asked us to go the extra mile, to love our enemies, not to worry, and to do things for the Lord's eyes, not for men's. He changed their view of the law.

He asked us to be last.

Jesus Christ was love perfected.

This philosophy is not relevant. It never has been. We're human. We're selfish, we hate seeing others succeed, and heaven forbid we go out of our busy way to help someone in need.

Jesus wasn't relevant.

Jesus was radical.

What if we laid aside our clever slogans and our v-necks long enough to truly love one another? What if we lived this way of life that is so completely radical it has caused a plethora of people to lay down their lives for this crazy cause? What if we followed the beautiful example of Jesus, and showed the world the Father through this crazy love rather than our posters?

What if?