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Monday, June 6, 2011

A week without cell service.

We're alive! We didn't get shot, bit by snakes, or hit by a cow. Which were all concerns, trust me.
I learned several things last week:
1. There is nothing in Iowa. Except random roadside art. Is it roadside or road side?
2. Two vans are better than one.
3. It is possible to stain concrete.
4. There all ALWAYS more white spots, even after you paint the wall 4 times.
5. God places other people in your life to do what you cannot, as well as to let you know when you're being dumb.
6. I am never the only person who knows songs from Veggie Tales and/or The Music Man
7. Those of us with should always give to those without.
8. God sends people that believe in us because sometimes we just can't believe in ourselves
9. When you get down to it, everyone just wants to be loved.
10. Some people see the world differently in order to enlighten the rest of us.
11. Nothing brings people together like blasting "Don't Stop Believin'"
12. Open skies win. Every time.
13. Even when you're freaked out, God still uses the simple things to remind you of His presence.
14. Money can't buy everything, but it can buy some really pretty handmade pottery and paintings.
15. None of us can do it alone.
16. Effort counts when performance lacks.
17. Life is beautiful when viewed through a camera lens.
18. Starting is always the hardest part.
19. The New Testament is a lot cooler than I originally thought.
20. It's ok to be real with people.
21. How to duel properly.
22. You can put almost any words to "Home on the Range."

1 comment:

  1. Rereading this brings back memories. I decided to actually check out more of your blog finally.
