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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Part Two: I'm Not Very Good at this Christian thing

I've been meaning to write this for over a week now, but art eats my life sometimes. Most days all I really want to do is take a nap. Anyways, I'm sure you're dying to see my new list (I love lists. I think it has to do with being left-handed?), so here you are:
1. I haven't read Crazy Love all the way through. I started it, I really did, and I had every intention of loving and finishing it. That didn't happen. In all honesty I was bored by chapter three. It's sitting on my shelf here at school, begging to be read and appreciated. Maybe someday...
2. I haven't read Radical. I also find David Platt to be a bad public speaker. No, it's not the fact that he has a lisp. I just wasn't as rivited as I had expected.
3. I have never been prayer walking. Actually, I hadn't even heard of it before I came to school. It's pretty popular. Almost as populer as Chacos...
4. Some sort of religious programming came on TLC the other day, and I switched to Disney channel. I don't really think any other explanation is needed here.
Hey, at least I'm not cliche...right?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Job search:Fail

Job hunting isn't supposed to be this hard. I got my first job at 15 and was hired on the spot. Same with the other job that lasted three weeks and then the business closed...My boss here even likes me, and he didn't have a say in the hiring last year.

You'd think if I found a job in the small town, I could find one in the town that is at least 4 times larger. Sigh.

All I want is some measley extra income so that I can stay in school, go to Taco Bell, and maybe take flying lessons. Is that too much to ask??

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 & 35,000

Let me start by saying that I am not anti-America at all. I happen to love being an American, and I wouldn't want to be a citizen of any other country. However, that does not mean that I am proud of or condone everything that goes on.

Why is it that it takes tragedy to bring people together? What if we, as the body of Christ, actually truely cared about people on a day to day basis?

I am not trying to discount the events of September 11, 2001. What happened was terrible, and I would not wish it on anyone. I think the men and women involved in rescue and cleanup did an incredible thing.


Over 50 million children have died as a result of abortion. That is more people than Hitle and Stalin killed combined.

Every year, 35,000 people die of starvation and lack of clean water.

Yes, we should rush to help in times of tragedy. But there are people in personal tragedy every day, and we do nothing.

All the world could have clean drinking water for a little over $10 million. That really isn't very much if you think about it.

Why is it we think it's ok to ignore those around us? Jesus calls us to love widows, orphans, and our neighbors.

It's time to start.

Remember 9/11 and the great loss.

Just don't forget those still alive. Those slowly dying every day. Those we have the power to help.

Do something.

Love them like Jesus.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

3 day weekenddd

It's Labor Day weekend, which means there's only like 43 people left on campus. It has it's positives and negatives. It's significantly less dramatic, for starters.

I have been super productive so far. I have worked out, make three boxes of brownies, done laundry, played guitar, balanced my check book,ironed, washed dishes, and organized things. I know, I'm great at this whole domestic thing.

I'm planning on taking 2-4 online quizzes, writing 1-3 papers, buying my roommate a birthday present, and spreading love and sunshine to the world.

You should probably be in awe right now. :P