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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Who invented Algebra lab?

It makes no sense to me.

Not that I'm complaining. Entertaining stuff goes down in that computer lab from approx 12:21 pm, to anywhere from 12:42-1:36 pm every Thursday. Theoretically, computer labs are quiet places. Which one guy who sits by me is. The other one, however, is "8,000 years" older than the rest of us, and likes to share his vast store of knowledge with the rest of us. AKA slopes, exponents, etc.

On an unrelated note, Daniel is sitting on the other side of the lab looking confused. No, I am not creeping. He is sitting in plain sight, thank you. And on the other side is that guy from math who borrowed my pen and never gave it back. I'm not bitter at all. Really

Question: Is it ok to buy clothes by Miley Cyrus as long as you don't tell anyone? She obviously doesn't wear her label, it covers too much. So if it's cute, and it's cheap, and no one finds out by your it safe?

Maybe that's what I should write my paper on. Miley is a controversial subject, right? Bah. We have to write arguementative research papers for Comp, and I really don't know what to do mine on. At the moment I'm considering the legit-ness of OCD, for lack of a better subject. I was going to do abortion or physician assisted suicide or something, but we aren't allowed to use morality-based topics. Sad-ness. So then I was going to do global warming, only every thing I've found is pretty much one-sided. So what, I'm supposed to argue with myself? I think not. All of the other good topics have been taken, i.e. seatbelts in buses, video games and school violence, etc. Maybe I'll do it on school bullying or something like that. How that's an arguement, I'm not sure. I guess I could argue that it's a problem, but that's a bit of a duh factor, don't you think?