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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sunriiiise, Sunset...

Don't get me wrong. Sunsets are very nice things. I like them a lot. They are pretty and romantic and nice. Until you are assigned to take pictures of them. Then they are just lousy and evasive. I need a sunset picture for Photo I on Tuesday. The first half of the week it rained. Thursday the sun came out. Yay, right? Actually, the camera was in the roommate's car. Roommate did not know stated fact, and went elsewhere. Roommate also locked her keys in the car shortly thereafter, thus making camera retrival somewhat difficult. Friday night I was somewhere longer than expected, didn't have my car, and so did not get the camera until approximately 3 minutes after sundown. Frustration? Yes. Tonight I was bound and determined to get said picture. However, this campus is in THE worst possible location for doing so. There is sooo much stuff in the way. So I had to venture into the unknown parts of town, on about a gallon or two of gas, in hopes of catching the sun. I think I did, but hopefully they don't all end up blurry due to lack of tripod. We shall see what we shall see. However, do not expect me to get excited about the vanishing of the sun anytime soon. The end.

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