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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Who am I?

Did I just referance a good-but-super-overplayed-several-year-old-song in the title? Well yes, but not on purpose. I don't know about you, but do you ever realize that a message/sermon/etc. is meant just for you? Probably, but do you then feel bad because God has to spend His time correcting you instead of helping all the other people that are much cooler and/or more messed up than you? I do. I'm terrible, I'll admit it. I feel horrible because I think "Man, I hope that I wasn't the only one needing to hear that, because if I am, then all of these other nice people just wasted a whole lot of their time just for me to learn a lesson..." You think I'm kidding, but I'm not. Everything I've heard recently has been about identity. Church, chapel, hall Bible study, airplanes writing in the sky...ok, I made that last one up, but really. I feel bad that all these people have to spend all this time trying to teach me something I should already know. A few months ago I started to buy the lie that I have to prove myself to the world. I have to be good enough for everyone. I have to be good enough for God. Guess what? I can't! I know I wrote about this not too long ago, but it's an issue I'm still dealing with. I have friends that are prettier, more talented, and more athletic than I am. But that doesn't detract my value, especially in God's eyes. I just have to keep telling myself that. I don't even think that's proper grammar. I shouldn't be concerned about anyone's opinion of me but God's. And His opinion is filtered through the blood of Jesus. So who am I? I'm covered. And you can be, too.

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