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Sunday, November 7, 2010

That is so not real.

A very interesting discussion ensued in Drawing 1 Section 2 the other day. What was it about?


Duh, I mean it is an art class, after all.

More specifically, Mrs. Instructor said she hates it when people buy cheap decor just to "match their sofa." She said that her daughter had purchased a couple of prints from Hobby Lobby for her house, but she told said daughter that she did not like them.


Because they weren't real. They were done by an artist. They were 1 out of 5 hundred thousand billion.

Now I, being an art major myself, am not really sure of my stance on this particular topic. Yes, it is more cool and legit when it's one of a kind art from a sweet personwhohasastudiodressesfunnyandalwayshaspaintintheirhairorchalkontheirfingers. However, some people are poor, and just need a nice picture or two to help disguise their state of poorness, and/or make things look pretty.

But (never start a sentence with a coordinating conjunction, but this is where it gets good) how often do we do that in our lives? Not only do we buy the fake stuff to put on our walls, but I think we also keep the fake stuff around in our lives. We do nice things and pretend we love Jesus, but how often is it just an act? (Drat, I use the word "but" way too often...also the word "often") We want others to see how utterly awesome we are, we don't want to dissappoint people, so what do we do? We fake it.

Well guess what. People make be faked out, but God isn't.

Oh snap.

P to the R to the O-B-L-E-M

God doesn't care what super nice things you are doing. He cares how and why you are doing it. And news flash: doing it so other people will notice your awesomeness is not a good reason. Sorry.

So. I really can't care less about what you decorate with (Unless it's super ugly). However, God cares what you "decorate" your life with.

So make sure it's all real.

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