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Monday, November 15, 2010

Youth Pastor? Band Leader?

Tonight at school we had 33 Miles in concert. Which was sweet. And they ended with an awesome rendition of Footloose. But I digress. The point is there is a very fine, almost invisable line between being a band guy and a youth guy.

1. The Hair. This is certainly the most important element. Unless they are large and bald, they all have the exact same haircut. I heard awhile back that guys were going in and asking for Justin Bieber-esc haircuts. I think it's pretty much the same with band/youth guys. They go into their barber (are they even still called that?) and ask for a rock star cut. You know exactly what I'm talking about. It's generally golden blond of dark brown. Looks like hat hair + bed head. Loosely spikey. Men over 28 use it to try and look like they're still in college.

2. Skinny jeans. I have nothing against them. I wear them from time to time myself. Some guys can pul it off some can't. If you can, then more power to you.

3. Skinny ties. This is a new fad that a lot of the youth pastors haven't quite caught onto yet. Jason from 33 Miles has though. So has Josh Wilson. Get with the times, please.

4. Converse. You just cannot go wrong. It really doesn't matter what you're wearing, Converse match. Skinny jeans, gym shorts, dresses, you name it. Stick with basic black, unless you go to a liberal church or belong to a wilder band. Or if you work at carnivals. That applies, too.

5. Denim jackets. Why? I don't know. It's just needed. These come in basic blue or black. Black is of course cooler.

In other news...what is it about having a guitar that makes people walk around and dance weirdly on stage?


  1. What? Skinny ties are back? Hm, your dad probably has some still hanging around from the last time they were in style (pssssst, it's not a new fad)!
