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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Overgeneralization...'s one of those errors that we talked about in Critical Thinking. Not that I was listening. Overly. I was too busy freaking out the guy next to me. That happens a lot. Not my lack of listening, but my freaking people out. It's a gift. Or a curse, however you want to look at it. I'm just overwhelming.

Aaanyways, I have come to a realization. Athlete's are people too. That sounds terrible, but lemme 'splain. When I came to school I was told over and over, "Stay away from the athletes. Never date an athlete. They're only here for one thing. They don't care about anything but sports."

Surprise! It's not true! Over the past eight months I have encountered variaties of people. And some of the nerdy, normal, and boring people are much worse than some of the athletes. There are some in every crowd. But the more I've gotten to know people, the more I've lost sight of stereotypes. Some of the biggest God-lovers I know are big, buff football players. They have so much more knowledge and insight than most other people I know. It's quite awesome.

I had more, but I got distracted by Land Before Time. Sooo...yeah. Ciao!

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