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Thursday, September 30, 2010

...if unicorns were real, which they are...

First order of business: My boyfriend is amazing. Four months of amazing. Plus some. P.S. He mailed me chocolate. And a unicorn. AH

Second order of business: I saw a girl in a Snow White costume the other night. Not just any girl, but one of the RA's from my dorm. Awesome.

Third order of business: To those certain people in those certain classes: Ok. We get it. You know everything there is to know on this subject. Maybe even more. You can stop telling us. you also need to stop sighing in disgust every time the prof makes a point you already know. Which seems to be all of them.
By the way, I was wondering how, when we took that placement test the first day of class, you didn't test out and move on to higher classes more suited to your vast knowledge?

Monday, September 27, 2010

She wear short skirts, I wear t-shirts...

No, I was not singing Taylor Swift. Ok, maybe. Actually, the boys were. Because that is what you do in college. Ok, so last night we walked out of the dorm to go run, and a car went through the parking lot. It had at least six guys in it. The windows were rolled down, and "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift was blasting. And they were singing. Very loudly. Very, very loudly. It was the funniest thing ever.

I'm sure there was something else SUPER important I had to say, or rather type, but it has slipped my mind.

I fail.

P.S. We made 2 miles in 33 minutes. Be impressed.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

1) I have not yet flunked out of college

2) Yes, the last post was supposed to say 'sheep'
3) Our room is clean.
4) My roommate's boyfriend called me fat because I was listening to their phone conversation.
5) I have a headache.
6) In the MLA format, you're supposed to spell out every number below thirty.
7) No one knows why, including my teacher.
8)Apparently I look pretty today.
9) My hall mate asked this morning if my eyes have always been this color.
10) Doritos are amazing.
11) Chocolate milk is life.
12) I have to go to a poetry reading tomorrow.
13) I want to go to bed.
14) I don't understand the point of interval notation.
15)I like lists.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sheep deprivation... runs wild in room 203. Which is, by the way, greater than, or equal to, room 205. They own Mulan, that's basically what makes them cool. We swept (not slept:(...) and vaccumed today. Yay us. We also forgot the rugs in the washing machine. Oops. Also, if one is going to major in art, one should be rich, because they request rediculous things of you, like buying $40 pastel sets, that you will never ever use again after the semester. In the words of Sam, "Technically, with all the money I've given to this school, this stuff should already be covered." This is the same guy who just realized today that I'm in 3 of his classes. He only knew about 2, apparently. Pastels are evil. If anyone wants to know. My English teacher would dislike this post. Why? Because I am rambling and there is no "clear purpose." I'm sitting at work by the way. Yes, I am working. This is what they pay me to do. Whoop!

Oh, if anyone cares, and/or is still reading at this point, we (who's we? the world may never know.) went to a Matt Maher/Addison Road/Tenth Avenue North concert the other day. It was AWESOME. I should find a new word, but the fact remains, it was awesome. It was the God-thing of the week. Maybe the month. Tenth Avenue North is beyond amazing. Side note: their lead singing is very good looking. But not the point...

Money is overrated. However, it is needed. I need some. Well, eventually anyway. So if you want to send me some, well...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Have a Six Flags day!

Yes, Andrew, we realize that that isn't an adjective. However, you're just going to have to deal with it.

This weekend was totally epic. In every sense of the word. For one, my car didn't die. Completely. We did have to stop for like 40 minutes, let it cool down, and add oil...and had a few Missouridriversaredreadfulandshouldn'tbeallowedtodrivebikesonthe"motorway"muchlesscars. Over all, it went rather well, though.

On the way there Friday we realized that we had absolutely no plan for that evening, so we started calling people. Most of them couldn't make it, because we should have notified them more than 2 1/2 hours in advance. Oh well. We found Morgan and went to Chipotle. Also the boyfriend came, which was the amazingest thing ever. We sat there til they closed, then went next door to Starbucks, and then relocated to Steak and Shake with more people. It was awesome. And I heard the guys use the word "awesome" so many times this weekend, that there's no avoiding it now. Oh well.

Saturday we got lost going to Six Flags. We also got lost in Six Flags. And it was all Andrew. And it was awesome. And I finally got to meet Stephen. Also awesome. And we had a million McNuggets.

Hawk Nelson. Kutless. Awesome. Slightly less awesome when you have the very mature college boys you came with whinning through all of HN because they dislike boy bands. I can't even believe them...ok, yes I can. They screamed and yelled a lot all day, as well...I at least only whinned to get what I wanted, which was food.

This morning. GBC. 10 million amazing people. I am not exagerating. Well, yes I am. But not the point.

So basically it was the best weekend ever, and the boyfriend coming made it 16.6754x better. Because he's awesome.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Allergies are so delightful.

Note to the world in general: avoid our room. At all costs. The roommate and I both feel like poo. Which also translates into our having no social life today. Cool, huh?

However, I have yet to fall asleep in class. Granted is has only been 2 1/2 weeks. But still.

My English teacher has the cutest clothes.

We had a BBQ with our "brother dorms" last night. I think the whole point of dorm socialy things is to match make, I really do. Not that it appears to be working so far. I know of one person who has found a boyfriend so far. But, like I said, it's only been 2 1/2 weeks. We have the whole dorm socialed future in front of us. On a slightly related note, guess who is dumb and has to work during the homecoming game? Even when I make my own schedule, I still end up missing everything...

Also, I am very superly annoyed. Why, you ask? Because tomorrow evening they are showing a movie in the Union. Why is this a problem? Because NFL Kickoff is tomorrow night. Because it's the Saints and the Vikings. Because it'll be epic. Because it's BRETT FAVRE for crying out loud. As soon as I figure out who's in charge of the activity committee, or whatever it is, well...

Friday, September 3, 2010

I am terrible at this... should all stop reading this blog. It's just that bad. Just kidding. Actually you should invite aaall your friends and make signs and posters and t-shirts, so that I can become world famous and go to Paris to eat scones. I'm not even for sure what a scone is, but it sounds more refined than crossants, which is what I would really like. Maybe they're the same thing?

Anywho, it rained the other day, and I left my windows part way down. Ugh. This isn't even the first time this has happened. So today I went to Wally World and got a rather over powering air freshener. Good stuff. Note to general population: when you are standing in an aisle, and someone says 'excuse me,' it's probably because they need what you are in front of, so you should nicely move. Just throwing that out there.

I should go to bed. My roomie has left me again. I'm heading to Springtown tomorrow so I should probably pack. I hate packing. It's such a pain and a half. The majority of the school left already, so there are like a bajillion awesome parking spaces around. The best part is, I'll probably get back before most of them, so I'll still get a sweet spot. Yay me. Anyways, those of us who are left watched Disney movies all evening. It was awesome.

Chocolate milk and pizza go great together.

And I have the best boyfriend ever.