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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Have a Six Flags day!

Yes, Andrew, we realize that that isn't an adjective. However, you're just going to have to deal with it.

This weekend was totally epic. In every sense of the word. For one, my car didn't die. Completely. We did have to stop for like 40 minutes, let it cool down, and add oil...and had a few Missouridriversaredreadfulandshouldn'tbeallowedtodrivebikesonthe"motorway"muchlesscars. Over all, it went rather well, though.

On the way there Friday we realized that we had absolutely no plan for that evening, so we started calling people. Most of them couldn't make it, because we should have notified them more than 2 1/2 hours in advance. Oh well. We found Morgan and went to Chipotle. Also the boyfriend came, which was the amazingest thing ever. We sat there til they closed, then went next door to Starbucks, and then relocated to Steak and Shake with more people. It was awesome. And I heard the guys use the word "awesome" so many times this weekend, that there's no avoiding it now. Oh well.

Saturday we got lost going to Six Flags. We also got lost in Six Flags. And it was all Andrew. And it was awesome. And I finally got to meet Stephen. Also awesome. And we had a million McNuggets.

Hawk Nelson. Kutless. Awesome. Slightly less awesome when you have the very mature college boys you came with whinning through all of HN because they dislike boy bands. I can't even believe them...ok, yes I can. They screamed and yelled a lot all day, as well...I at least only whinned to get what I wanted, which was food.

This morning. GBC. 10 million amazing people. I am not exagerating. Well, yes I am. But not the point.

So basically it was the best weekend ever, and the boyfriend coming made it 16.6754x better. Because he's awesome.

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