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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sheep deprivation... runs wild in room 203. Which is, by the way, greater than, or equal to, room 205. They own Mulan, that's basically what makes them cool. We swept (not slept:(...) and vaccumed today. Yay us. We also forgot the rugs in the washing machine. Oops. Also, if one is going to major in art, one should be rich, because they request rediculous things of you, like buying $40 pastel sets, that you will never ever use again after the semester. In the words of Sam, "Technically, with all the money I've given to this school, this stuff should already be covered." This is the same guy who just realized today that I'm in 3 of his classes. He only knew about 2, apparently. Pastels are evil. If anyone wants to know. My English teacher would dislike this post. Why? Because I am rambling and there is no "clear purpose." I'm sitting at work by the way. Yes, I am working. This is what they pay me to do. Whoop!

Oh, if anyone cares, and/or is still reading at this point, we (who's we? the world may never know.) went to a Matt Maher/Addison Road/Tenth Avenue North concert the other day. It was AWESOME. I should find a new word, but the fact remains, it was awesome. It was the God-thing of the week. Maybe the month. Tenth Avenue North is beyond amazing. Side note: their lead singing is very good looking. But not the point...

Money is overrated. However, it is needed. I need some. Well, eventually anyway. So if you want to send me some, well...


  1. their "lead singing is very good looking" how is singing good looking?
