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Friday, September 3, 2010

I am terrible at this... should all stop reading this blog. It's just that bad. Just kidding. Actually you should invite aaall your friends and make signs and posters and t-shirts, so that I can become world famous and go to Paris to eat scones. I'm not even for sure what a scone is, but it sounds more refined than crossants, which is what I would really like. Maybe they're the same thing?

Anywho, it rained the other day, and I left my windows part way down. Ugh. This isn't even the first time this has happened. So today I went to Wally World and got a rather over powering air freshener. Good stuff. Note to general population: when you are standing in an aisle, and someone says 'excuse me,' it's probably because they need what you are in front of, so you should nicely move. Just throwing that out there.

I should go to bed. My roomie has left me again. I'm heading to Springtown tomorrow so I should probably pack. I hate packing. It's such a pain and a half. The majority of the school left already, so there are like a bajillion awesome parking spaces around. The best part is, I'll probably get back before most of them, so I'll still get a sweet spot. Yay me. Anyways, those of us who are left watched Disney movies all evening. It was awesome.

Chocolate milk and pizza go great together.

And I have the best boyfriend ever.

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