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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's official now.

I am a poor college student. Michael said we weren't official until Monday, and it's Tuesday. Actually it's three minutes to Wednesday.

I just thought I'd let everyone (all 7 of you) know that I haven't died or starved or fallen down stairs or anything yet. I guess I did get locked in the bathroom, knock off my mirror (which is now totally fixed, thank you Matt!), and take a wrong turn out of a parking lot and end up in the residential district in the dark. Also, I couldn't find rooms for two of my classes. One of them I asked directions from a random lady who ended up being the teacher. She knows me now. Guess we'll find out if that's a good thing or not later. Oh, and my Psyc teacher did magic tricks yesterday (wait, the day before. It is now Wednesday). Awesome.

Today the roomie and I were all adult-like and opened bank accounts. Which took forever. But! We got free t-shirts! Too bad all they had was XL. So if anyone wants a free bank t-shirt...

We went to Walmart. Fun stuff in the dark, let me tell you. The roomie and I not only have matching lanyards, bank accounts, and chips, now we also have matching backpacks and hair ribbon. Yeah, we're cool. Be jealous. We lost each other, exasperated the ladies in the fabric department, and got asked by the guy at the registar if we were sisters.

I also started "work" today. I use the term 'work' loosely, because I pretty much sit at the desk and do whatever I want. Homework, Facebook, texting. Looking at cake. It's great.

The really cool thing about today happened at lunch. I was sitting with some of my groupies, and we were just chatting about life and school. I said something about art supplies costing me mucho money, when Stephen (who had his Bible) informed me that God always supplies, and then proceeded to read Proverbs to us. It was the coolest thing ever. God definitely knew what He was doing by putting our group together. They are they best ever.

So it's official. I'm a poor college student. With people looking out for me. And I like it.

P.S. The boyfriend is coming to visit next week!!!


  1. I like your diary. I'm glad college isn't to bad. I'm going to College of the Ozarks in January and I'm scared/excited/nervous all at the same time. this is encouraging to me. Thank you!

  2. Pictures of cake, sister? I heard about Chris. Yay for you! :D
