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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Weeds and BBQ sauce

It's 364 degrees here! Plus humidity. Not really. But I think today was one of the hottest days in forever. Probably only because we were outside all day. The schedule said "B-Town Excersion," which we all assumed meant driving around checking out Bolivar. What it really meant was service projects. Which was odd, but still pretty cool. We had some interesting group bonding. With about 300 pounds of weeds. You think I'm kidding, but Grant, who knows everything except the meaning of words like perplexed (see Jason, I can so spell it), and exasperation, gave us his profesional weighing opinion. I would like to apologize to Josh again for hitting him with a water bottle. Kind of. Anyways, my mirror ended up not being re-glued after all, due to the fact that the little metal doohickey wouldn't come out. It's like rusted on there or something, and Matt broke his screwdriver trying to get it out. I'm a pain, and that's all there is to it. However, they think I'm funny (?) so they allow me to stick around their awesomeness. After all that excitement, we were all covered in sand and sweat and it was gross. We took showers, but those ended up being pointless. Stick around and I'll tell you in a minute.

We had another worship service, which was pretty cool. Half of the songs they do no one has ever heard of. Which is weird. But whatever. Poop, I'm starting sentences with 'but' again. Argh. Anyways, afterwards we all sat around in the grass (There were chiggers. Not cool.) and talked about our testamonies. Also, Stephen almost fell out of a tree.

Dinner tonight was the "Black Squirrel Affair." Basically, everyone wore white shirts, there were no napkins, and there was BBQ beef, chicken, and baked beans. Plus really good cookies. So it was pretty much a campus food fight out on the field infront of the apartments. I greatly dislike BBQ sauce, but they roped me into going anyway. The chicken at least was sauce-less. It was rather entertaining. I feel so gross right now, Root beer is incredibly sticky. Like, you have no idea. So yes, that was today. Good times.

1 comment:

  1. I thought you weren't going! I'm glad you did, sounds like a lot of fun...? So did everyone just throw their shirts away afterwards???
