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Sunday, August 29, 2010

It's Sunday...

and I haven't posted since Thursday. I'm really bad at this whole blogging thing. I apoligize for giving the rest of the blogging world a bad name. I can't help it. I'm a poor college student with weird eating habits. I'm not sure how that's applicable, but I tried.

I don't remember what happened on Friday. Like for real I have no idea. Ok, I lied. We had a surprise party for the head group leader. Total success. And some of us went to a highschool football game. It was cold. Other than that, I have no idea what went down.

Saturday I got to sleep in for the first time in like 2 weeks, which was AMAZING. You have NO idea. And I went to a college football game for the first time ever. Cool stuff. We got creamed. And I didn't think my roommate would ever return, but thankfully she did.

Mexican food is awesome.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I like bouncing.

With the exception of one particular teacher/class, which shall go unnamed, college is awesome. The whole pilesofhomeworkmostofwhichtakesforeverandidon'tknowwheretostart thing isn't the greatest, but so far it's managable.

Today in Sem we did a learning style test. Turns out I'm kinesthetic, which, and I'm paraphrasing, means I don't sit still. Actually I already knew that, but hey, now it's like a scientific fact. Or something. I don't know. At least Jason knows why I just stand there and bounce now. The really bad part was, she was talking about it and said something to the effect of, "people with this learning style can't sit still. They always have to mess with a pin or bounce their legs." Guess what I was doing at that exact moment in time? I don't think anyone saw me. However, as soon as the topic of going to bed early came up, Jason turned around in his chair and looked straight at me, along with a few other people. They know me so well. And it's only been a week. Weird.

I love my Comp teacher. For one thing, she has THE cutest clothes. I also like the way she talks, which is always good when you have to listen to someone for and hour at a time. Today we had show and tell. No joke. It was the funniest/most awkward thing ever. Rabbit trail...awkward is NOT spelled A-K-W-A-R-D. It makes it even more awkward when you spell awkward wrong. K? K.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's official now.

I am a poor college student. Michael said we weren't official until Monday, and it's Tuesday. Actually it's three minutes to Wednesday.

I just thought I'd let everyone (all 7 of you) know that I haven't died or starved or fallen down stairs or anything yet. I guess I did get locked in the bathroom, knock off my mirror (which is now totally fixed, thank you Matt!), and take a wrong turn out of a parking lot and end up in the residential district in the dark. Also, I couldn't find rooms for two of my classes. One of them I asked directions from a random lady who ended up being the teacher. She knows me now. Guess we'll find out if that's a good thing or not later. Oh, and my Psyc teacher did magic tricks yesterday (wait, the day before. It is now Wednesday). Awesome.

Today the roomie and I were all adult-like and opened bank accounts. Which took forever. But! We got free t-shirts! Too bad all they had was XL. So if anyone wants a free bank t-shirt...

We went to Walmart. Fun stuff in the dark, let me tell you. The roomie and I not only have matching lanyards, bank accounts, and chips, now we also have matching backpacks and hair ribbon. Yeah, we're cool. Be jealous. We lost each other, exasperated the ladies in the fabric department, and got asked by the guy at the registar if we were sisters.

I also started "work" today. I use the term 'work' loosely, because I pretty much sit at the desk and do whatever I want. Homework, Facebook, texting. Looking at cake. It's great.

The really cool thing about today happened at lunch. I was sitting with some of my groupies, and we were just chatting about life and school. I said something about art supplies costing me mucho money, when Stephen (who had his Bible) informed me that God always supplies, and then proceeded to read Proverbs to us. It was the coolest thing ever. God definitely knew what He was doing by putting our group together. They are they best ever.

So it's official. I'm a poor college student. With people looking out for me. And I like it.

P.S. The boyfriend is coming to visit next week!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Weeds and BBQ sauce

It's 364 degrees here! Plus humidity. Not really. But I think today was one of the hottest days in forever. Probably only because we were outside all day. The schedule said "B-Town Excersion," which we all assumed meant driving around checking out Bolivar. What it really meant was service projects. Which was odd, but still pretty cool. We had some interesting group bonding. With about 300 pounds of weeds. You think I'm kidding, but Grant, who knows everything except the meaning of words like perplexed (see Jason, I can so spell it), and exasperation, gave us his profesional weighing opinion. I would like to apologize to Josh again for hitting him with a water bottle. Kind of. Anyways, my mirror ended up not being re-glued after all, due to the fact that the little metal doohickey wouldn't come out. It's like rusted on there or something, and Matt broke his screwdriver trying to get it out. I'm a pain, and that's all there is to it. However, they think I'm funny (?) so they allow me to stick around their awesomeness. After all that excitement, we were all covered in sand and sweat and it was gross. We took showers, but those ended up being pointless. Stick around and I'll tell you in a minute.

We had another worship service, which was pretty cool. Half of the songs they do no one has ever heard of. Which is weird. But whatever. Poop, I'm starting sentences with 'but' again. Argh. Anyways, afterwards we all sat around in the grass (There were chiggers. Not cool.) and talked about our testamonies. Also, Stephen almost fell out of a tree.

Dinner tonight was the "Black Squirrel Affair." Basically, everyone wore white shirts, there were no napkins, and there was BBQ beef, chicken, and baked beans. Plus really good cookies. So it was pretty much a campus food fight out on the field infront of the apartments. I greatly dislike BBQ sauce, but they roped me into going anyway. The chicken at least was sauce-less. It was rather entertaining. I feel so gross right now, Root beer is incredibly sticky. Like, you have no idea. So yes, that was today. Good times.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Why hello, college

Officially moved in! Yay! This week has been insane! I had no idea you could fit so much stuff in a dorm room. But we can. It's awesome. I locked myself in the bathroom already. That was fun. Rather amusing. Today I got lost twice and my rearview mirror fell off! I am so thankful for the awesome guys in my group. They took me to the auto parts store and found me glue stuff, and are going to fix it for me tomorrow:). Super cool. Also, they have really cool worship services here. And we've been up til 2 am every night so far. Good times. Anyways I love it here and have nothing else to say currently

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hillbilly bowling and beyond

My socks have stars on them.

Also, today was crazy in a box. Minus the box. It was awesome.

First, we went to this little tiny church around the corner. Ok, so they had as many people as we do, but it was still little and tiny. Don't argue. There were very nice older people, and the greeter lady gave us nice cards and tea bags for visiting. Only we don't drink tea. So I'm not sure what we do now. Does that make us heathens? Are the angels frowning down upon us because of our dislike of Lipton? And tea in general? Somehow I doubt it, because I'm pretty sure that in Heaven there are rivers of orange soda. Not tea. That would be a nasty looking river. Plus orange soda is the bestest thing out there. Ever. Yes, I realize I said bestest. Don't talk. Aaaanyways, it was very nice and little and quite enjoyable. Until the music/piano lady stood up, looked at us, and said, "Would our guests like to do a special?" We just kind of sat there...Dad shook his head but she ignored him. She looked at Mom, and said, "Will you sing?" like 4 times before Mom said, "We don't sing," and she left us alone and made some other people sing instead. It was very weird. Not cool. We don't sing, except in the car. Singing-ness is not the only gift God gives people, people. So don't assume that just because we're in ministry we could make in on American Idol or something. Because we can't. I'm sorry if that's in your preacher-family manual. It's not in mine. But then, mine's in NKJV, and yours might be the Message. I don't know. No offence by the way. Anyways, we made it out alive and special-less. Sad day.

After the whole beingfreakedoutbecausewethoughtweweregoingtoberoundhousekickedintosingingsomethingwedidn'tknowfortotalstrangers thing, we were all about ready to DIE of hunger. You think I'm kidding, but I'm not. Well yes I am. But not the point. Anyways, the town/city/village/resort/randomplacewherehouseshappentobe doesn't have any fast food. So we drove our starving selves around until we found a nice little resteraunt. That happened to be connected to a bar and a bowling alley. They had good pizza. We ate. We went bowling. Which was cool, because I got like 2 strikes, and that never happens. I didn't win, but I at least beat some...other people. Oh, and we had to keep score for ourselves. On a piece of PAPER. I have NEVER ever seen that before. It was quite fascinating, let me tell you. Good thing Dad was around when they had those kinds of things, or we might have had to ask the nerdyglassessmokerwhotalkstorandompeoplelikemybrotherinthebathroom guy who works there for help. I actually kind of liked his glasses. Also, I hope that some day, in about 13 years, more than 7 people read this blog, and I become rich and famous and can buy Snuggies for my dogs. OK, back to your regularly scheduled programing. Bowling is nice. I like it. But sometimes you have very interesting people in bowling alleys. People that select Kenny Chesney on the Jukebox (that was at least electronic) and turn it up louder than it can legally go. People that dress scarily and have tattoos in weird places. People who go up to other people of the opposite gender that I don't think they actually know and start flirting under the guise of "I can't bowl, but you can. So teach me now!" People who end up sharing a pitcher of beer with the other people. While smoking. And then start making out. But don't worry about the 11 year old kid sitting right there. And the 5 year old in the other lane. Who was lucky enough to merit bumpers. Ha. First of all, there are certain places in which one should not do certain things. Second of all, there are certain things that should not be done to begin with. Wow, this is getting really long. But it's entertaining, so you shall keep reading, yes? Of course yes. Don't be silly.

That was an adventure. A kind of weird, slightly gross adventure, but still an adventure. Besides, I got 2 strikes, remember? After that, Ripley's Believe It Or Not was almost tame. Almost. Did you know that they do in fact make paper out of elephant poop? And furthermore, they call it "Poo Poo Paper," and sell it in gift shops! Which is like THE single coolest thing EVER. But do you think my nice father would buy me some? Nope. So I went and told the nice guy that worked there that my daddy wouldn't buy me elephant poop. He laughed. I'm sure he probably gets that a lot. They weren't exactly sold out. It was oderless, by the way.

I think that's about it for today...oh, except that we went down to the Landing, which is like the coolest place ever, and they shot fire and water to the tune of I don't know what it was, but before that they played Taylor Swift. Which has nothing to do with anything, but I thought I'd tell you anyway. Oh, and on the way down there, there were weird old men with horse pulley thingys, only I would never ride them, on account of they were so rude as to make their horses wear the dumbest hats ever, and if I were a horse I would be mortified. I am thinking that there are a lot of run on sentences in this post. But such is life. Also you should never start a sentence with 'but' or 'and,' which I have also been doing. I hope the grammer gods don't kill me. BUT I'm not too worried. What were we talking about? The Landing. The light posts played music, which kind of freaked the Sister out. We were going to go take some pictures on this little dock thingy, which didn't really look different from anything else, only there was a gangster dude fishing off of it. So we didn't.

And we also killed an armadillo. It was loud and crunchyyy. That, my friends, is a true story.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I'm sure I'll be all excited again next week. Ok, I know I will. Just not right now. Mainly because I went to Dollar General for the last time. You think I'm kidding, but I'm not. Ask the best friend. She wanted to give the lady a hug. We kind of like Dollar General. In case you didn't know, they carry bubbles, silly string, egg dye, coloring books, water ballooons, stickers, and really cute mini staplers, scissors, and tape. There are great stories behind each of those items, let me assure you. We like Dollar General.

Also, if you've never played the game of Life, you really ought to. For hours. On end. And name every single one of those little plasitc people. Ok, maybe it's just because we live in a small town with nothing better to do. Today contained the most depressing game of Life ever. We finished, and then all just sat there looking at each other. And then we all started laughing and crying at the same time. Partly because the best friend said she's going to have life tourney's at school, and the little brother thought we were crazy and told us to just cry and get it over with. So we did. And now, here I sit.

I am super excited for college. True story. But I'm also going to miss you guys like crazy. Ok, that's my emo rant for the day. I'm done now:)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Forever a Favre Fan

I know, I'm crazy, right? I mean he is after all, indecisive, a traitor, and dramatic. Also, he should shave. But I just can't help it.

I've watched him play since I was 11, and he's won me more than one Fanball Super Bowl. I've seen him complete passes and win games he shouldn't have. I saw him pass the touchdown record, the start record, and even the interception record. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that last one...but he wouldn't be Brett Favre without it. His reckless and fun way of playing earned him those interceptions and defeats, yes, but they earned him many more touchdowns and victories. I watched him play the day after his dad died, and play well. I watched him win his 200th start.

I've also watched him retire. Twice. Or is it three times? I can't remember. I do remember several off seasons before, being in fear that he would do the unthinkable and never return. Yes, I cried the first time he retired. I was sure football as we knew it was over. I was thrilled when he came back, less thrilled when he landed with the Jetts...but I never gave up thinking that somehow the old guy still had it in him. When he retired the second time I didn't cry. Because I knew he'd come back. And he did. Once again, I wasn't over happy with the team he ended up with. Not because they were bad, but because it's the Vikings. They're like...evil. But I guess you can't be too bad when you've got Jared Allen. So last year, I watched him have the greatest season of a nineteen year career. Yes, they missed the Super Bowl by a play. But would they have even made it that far if Brett wouldv'e retired? I guess we'll never know.

I didn't believe it last year, and I don't believe it this year. Brett will be back. He'll get hit, sacked, and bruised. But he'll also run around on that field, flinging the ball all over creation, and smiling like a little kid the whole time. Because he's Brett.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

My big sister got hitched...

...and I didn't burn the church down. Actually, I almost couldn't get the lighter to light. Which is actually good, because we were seriously tempted to set the bows on fire as we want down the aisle. It would have been dramatic. Problematic, but dramatic. Wow. I should really not talk. Or type, as the case may be.

But really, I love weddings. And I cried all through this one. Dad cried too, so it was ok. And the other pastor made himself cry. And everyone else on my row was fine until he sang to her. Which was the cutest thing ever.

I think I'll stop now...

I love you, Hailey:)