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Monday, May 9, 2011

Is the image of God good enough for us?

I'm taking a mission trip to the Pineridge Indian Reservation with my school this summer. Today in our meeting we were discussing the packing list. We (specifically girls) are supposed to wear loose pants, oversized t-shirts, and no makeup. In the words of Mission Leader's Son, "If they can tell you're a woman, it's not allowed." The reasoning behind this is the Lakota have respect for modesty, and it's also a matter of procaution/protection. I think we're going to have to do some thrift store shopping. Not because we all dress like skanks, but, let's be real, even whilst wearing t-shirts and men's shorts you know we're women. Even our grungy/comfy clothes probably don't fit these standards.

As girls, our first reaction was something along the lines of...'No makeup? That's sounds gross, and horrid, and...' Why? Because from age 5 on, all society has told us is that you can't possibly be beautiful, presentable, or acceptable if you don't wear makeup all the time and dress exactly like they tell you to. It simply isn't possible.

Or is it?

If you think about it, the world is a pretty messed up place. The people in it are wrong about a lot of things, so could they be wrong about this as well?

Genesis 1:27 says that God created us in His image.

It doesn't get any better than that. Plain and simple. We can ignore it, cover it with lies and fluff, and hide from it, but that doesn't change the fact.

You are created in God's image. He sent His only Son to die for YOU.


He thinks you're worth it.

Even when your friends, family, classmates, and random strangers look down on you or your abilities, you're still worth it. God created you for something bigger than the fickle approval of men. There is so much more to life that we Americans think. It's not about clothing, makeup or hairdye. It's about the free and fantasticness that Jesus offers. Because He thinks we're worth it. And He wants the best and most awesome for these value people that bear His image.

How much fuller and more effective would our lives be if we ignored society's call and accepted God's image as all we need?

Co-Mission Trip Leader made an awesome point when she said, "How can I sit there and tell a little Lakota girl that she is valued and beautiful the way she is when I don't honestly believe that about myself?"

Going against the flow would make so much more of an impact than looking like Barbies all. the. time.

I don't have a problem with makeup, dressing up, or looking cute. Far from it. I have a problem with those things having first priority in our lives. I have a problem when we can't run out the door to talk with or help someone with out first adding two more layers of makeup.

When did our appearance become more important than our God?

You don't need the stuff and fluff.

You are valued.

You are beautiful.

You are loved.

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