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Thursday, May 26, 2011

I just realized that I fail as a blogger.
A) I have no theme.
B) I failed to mentioned the Royal Wedding.
Let me just state that neither of the aforementioned facts are really a concern, because to my knowledge no one really cares.
Did I mention I hate packing? I'm getting ready to go on my mission trip fiiiinally, but I ran out of room. If we didn't need rain boots, it wouldn't be quite as problematic, but problematic nonetheless.
Aaanyways I'm super excited. And super sore. Mom and I are doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Except it'll probally take more that 30 days. 'Cause I'm going to be gone for a week.
Also, I really enjoy chocolate chip muffins :D

Monday, May 23, 2011

Of old cars and crying

My car overheated! Yay! I made it 5/6 of the way home and realized that the little indicator on my temp gage was past the H line. Like, as far to the right as it could physically go. And my car stopped accelerating. Awesome. I stopped at a gas station to put some gas in and let my poor Joe cool off. However, there was something wrong with the gas pump I chose, as it would only let me put $4.33 in my tank. Weird. Good thing I wasn't desperate. I let the car sit about 10 minutes and went on my marry little way. For a while anyway. Then it started again, so I stopped at a rest stop. This time I actually had people offer me help. One was a trucker whose semi had also overheated. I didn't know you could pop the semi of one of those things, but surprise! The other was an older lady in a mini van with a kayak. A third lady came by, but that wasn't to offer help, it was to congradulate me! On the fact that she thought I was "just married" because that's what my car read due to an epic prank war. That was awkward...
Anyways, I made it back finally and got to see a bunch of the kids I grew up with graduate. That was fun. Best Friend and I were rehashing all the crying we did same time last year. It seems very dumb now....

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Small town, we meet again

Rule number one about small towns: You can't get away with anything.
Example A: Due to the epic prank war, my car read "Just Married" when I returned home, due to lack of motivation to previously clean. Bad idea. So far I've only been questioned by a few, but I am positive that there is more to come.
One bonus to small towns is the lack of door locking need. Except that I keep forgetting about that part.
Also, no one really cares when people predict the end of the world. I half expected one of the graduation speakers to mention it ("We survived high schoool AND the end of the world! Yay us!"), but no such luck. Everyone here just assumes that life goes on and nothing ever changes.
Which brings me to something else. Best Friend and I were talking about how last year when we graduated and said good bye and cried lots and lots. Now it seems really dumb. We're obviously still here...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Of packing and finals and the lack of lettuce

1. It's time to go home. SBU is officially out of lettuce. Crazy stuff. Also sad. My sandwich was lacking.

2. Finals=done. Finished, doninated, over, owned.

3. Car=half packed. We have to "put the furiture in it's original place," which is NOT cool. For starters, I never saw the room originally, by the time I got there it was full of people and stuff. Apparently we have to separate the beds onto their respective walls, and put the desks in the middle. However, in order to do that, we have to get all of our STUFF out of the way. That was interrupeted by my having to work for three hours. Which usually isn't a big problem, but since I'm done with finals, I have nothing to study! Didn't think that one through...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


My car doesn't like starting. I dunno why, starting is just not on Joe's list of favorite things.

On the bright side, thanks to Joe being dumb, I met a nice old lady today. Why, you ask? Because I had to cut around the back of the Wellness Center to save time. Behind said Wellness Center is real life stuff. you know, houses, and people and stuff. Anyways, there was a nice old lady gardening in her back yard with her husband and super cute grandson. They were nice.

I hope I can get home.

Did I mention I hate good byes?

I mean, I know I'll see most of these people again in a few months, but not all of them. And a few months is a long time.

Roommate and I haven't even started cleaning yet. Blech. We were going to do it this morning, really we were, but then we remembered we had lives that didn't have anything to do with cleaning, so we went for it. Perhaps it'll happen tonight.

We also have to consume everything in the fridge so that we can defrost it. Sad day.

What does one get for grad gifts?

The theme of Zecheriah has something to do with "The Kingdom is Coming."

Summer Intern is getting to my house today. I don't get to my house til Friday. Humph.

Monday, May 16, 2011


1. If you can read the title, I applaud you.
2. Since falling in the river, the battery life on my phone is cut severely. I'd tell you how much, but I can't do math.
3. Speaking of math, I currently have 89.8% in that class, which means I actually have to do well on the final to get an A.
4. I'm going to get a B in Algebra.
5. EVERYthing possible went on tonight. At the same time. You think I'm kidding, there was 5 things alone that I was aware of, and no one tells me anything.
6. Apparently someone, at sometime, in Malaysia has read this blog.
7. I don't even think I spelled that right, but give me some awesome points anyways.
8. I can't remember what I need to buy at Walmart.
9. I'm for rizzle going to miss my Old Testament class.
10. My roommate is totes legit.
11. Don't ever let me say "totes" again.
12. I need some random ideas, so feel free to send some my way.
13. My brother just started his THIRD blog.
14. Does that make me lame or awesome for only having one?
15. That was not a list point...
16. I am a terrible writer/blogger
17. Despair.
18. Refer to #15
19. I like it here.
20. You should refer all of your friends to this blog. I dunno why, just do it.
21. Do it, or I will kill you.
22. It's finals week.
23. I like the color green
24. I don't understand my best friend.
25. Insanity is not a medical condition, it is a legal term.
26. Roommate and I are working on a YouTube channel!
27. It's gonna be AWESOME.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Today I am setting a blogging record for most consecutive days with a post.

*drumroll please*

I have now gone from two.

Feel free to squeal in excitement, dance around, and maybe mail me a pizza. One or all are acceptable.


At this point you've all probably quit reading this ridiculous post, but I'm going to keep going anyway, in order to make you all feel like you've missed something awesome. Which you have.


I'm J K.

I forgot how allergic I am to Missouri. Like for reals. I think some people (probably the same persons that invented group projects) got together and said 'Hey! I've got a grEAt idea! What if we portioned off a portion of land and use that to contain every allergin known to mankind! We can even through in some random stuff that people may or may not be allergic to! That sounds like a grEAt idea!' and then a random member of the group decided to add his two cents, 'Guys! We could also hide all the meds in the random back corner of Walmart so that the allergic people who have puffy/watery eyes already have a rediculously IMPOSSIBLE time trying to find them!'

And then they all cheered and hugged and fist bumped and celebrated by eating cake.

(Related insertation: a girl in the hall just sneezed. See my point? It's not like I'm the only selfish person with allergies and I think you should all focus on and feel sorry for me because I'm the only one because I'm not. Make sense? Hopefully, but doubtful.)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Of lint rollers, rubber maids, and post it notes...

Packing is such a pain. Pain pain pain.

On the bright side, I found the sham that has eluded me ALL year. Yayyy

Aanywho, packing most of my life into the back of Joe makes me feel two ways: 1. Awesome and minimalistic. After all, I can fit everything into my car. This proves I'm not materialistic, right? Everyone should wish to be me. 2. Pathetic. Everything fits in my car. I'm going no where in life. I may as well become a professional hobo.

I like to deal in dramatic extremes.

I don't like packing, but when I have to I prefer to pack ahead of time. Nothing like being punctual and prepared. However, when you need the stuff you have to pack for life, that kind of becomes difficult.

Aaand we're done.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Once upon a time...

there were three girls names Me, Friend 1, and Friend 2. They were all very annoyed with certain members of the male species and decided that the best way to get back at them would be to start their own nunnery. (Yes, they realize that it's usually called a convent, but nunnery is also acceptable. Plus, it's so much more fun to say.) This was not going to be just any nunnery, however. This nunery would be Baptist, and all the nuns would wear jeans. They would laugh and sing and play games all day. No men would ever be allowed in, on account of the creepiness the nuns had encountered. The nuns however could come and go as they pleased, provided that they didn't disclose their location or reveal their true identities. They were also free to depart and get married, as long as it was to a non-creepy man. They all lived long, happy, productive lives.

This may sound extreme, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Is the image of God good enough for us?

I'm taking a mission trip to the Pineridge Indian Reservation with my school this summer. Today in our meeting we were discussing the packing list. We (specifically girls) are supposed to wear loose pants, oversized t-shirts, and no makeup. In the words of Mission Leader's Son, "If they can tell you're a woman, it's not allowed." The reasoning behind this is the Lakota have respect for modesty, and it's also a matter of procaution/protection. I think we're going to have to do some thrift store shopping. Not because we all dress like skanks, but, let's be real, even whilst wearing t-shirts and men's shorts you know we're women. Even our grungy/comfy clothes probably don't fit these standards.

As girls, our first reaction was something along the lines of...'No makeup? That's sounds gross, and horrid, and...' Why? Because from age 5 on, all society has told us is that you can't possibly be beautiful, presentable, or acceptable if you don't wear makeup all the time and dress exactly like they tell you to. It simply isn't possible.

Or is it?

If you think about it, the world is a pretty messed up place. The people in it are wrong about a lot of things, so could they be wrong about this as well?

Genesis 1:27 says that God created us in His image.

It doesn't get any better than that. Plain and simple. We can ignore it, cover it with lies and fluff, and hide from it, but that doesn't change the fact.

You are created in God's image. He sent His only Son to die for YOU.


He thinks you're worth it.

Even when your friends, family, classmates, and random strangers look down on you or your abilities, you're still worth it. God created you for something bigger than the fickle approval of men. There is so much more to life that we Americans think. It's not about clothing, makeup or hairdye. It's about the free and fantasticness that Jesus offers. Because He thinks we're worth it. And He wants the best and most awesome for these value people that bear His image.

How much fuller and more effective would our lives be if we ignored society's call and accepted God's image as all we need?

Co-Mission Trip Leader made an awesome point when she said, "How can I sit there and tell a little Lakota girl that she is valued and beautiful the way she is when I don't honestly believe that about myself?"

Going against the flow would make so much more of an impact than looking like Barbies all. the. time.

I don't have a problem with makeup, dressing up, or looking cute. Far from it. I have a problem with those things having first priority in our lives. I have a problem when we can't run out the door to talk with or help someone with out first adding two more layers of makeup.

When did our appearance become more important than our God?

You don't need the stuff and fluff.

You are valued.

You are beautiful.

You are loved.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mixed emotions at 12:23 am.

We are two weeks away from the end of school. This year has gone by really fast and really slow at the same time. It has been totally incredible, but I kind of feel like we are on a bomb timer or something. We only have four years to smoosh in as much fun, adventure, and quality time as possible. I'm ready to go home, to see my family, to make money, have a large closet, escape the drama, and to sleep. On the other hand, I'm not ready to say good bye to Taco Bell, my classes, my church here, or friends that have become like family.

At the beginning of this year I didn't know what would happen. I knew approxamately five people, didn't know how to take notes, and had no idea how everything was going to fit in our dorm room. I always imagined college being fun, but it has definitely exceeded expectations. I've met literally hundreds of wonderful people, gotten to know God on a whole new level, and learned how to calculate the last possible second I can get up in order to be places on time.

On a random note, since being here, my hair decided to change color.

I am both excited and a little afraid for this year to end. Excited, because there will be more people to connect with, and more opportunities next semester. Afraid, because some won't be returning, and I don't want to lose those relationships. Excited, because I get to go home and reconnect with everyone. Afraid, because I know they've all continued their lives just fine without me.

Also, I'm not sure my car will make it all the way home...

But I guess it doesn't matter what I think. The year is ending whether I want it to or not. No use dwelling on it, I suppose. After all...

Adventure is out there!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Habakkuk? Really?

In my mission team meetings we've been talking a lot about who we are, who we should be to the Lakota, and who we should be in Christ. Team Leader said that after the last trip he had a girl decide she wants to do teen suicide prevention. This girl is an English major. In the words of Team Leader, "English majors aren't supposed to do things like that! Redford majors are supposed to do things like that!" (Redford is the ministry majors here, FYI). Later he was talking about some things he was dealing with in his personal life and he said that God sent him a verse. In Habakkuk. Of all places. I think his mind was kind of blown, because he sounded incredulous. He said that he was headed for Romans, but God just cut him off and gave him something totally different. Which I think is totally cool.

The other day in small groups we were talking about how we tend to think that we don't need to give of our time and money NOW. We plan on it, just as soon as life slows down a little, or once (in our college student cases) we get jobs and steady paychecks.

I think both of these situations lead to an interesting place. So many times we think that someone need to do something, to change the world. Someone other than us. We can't do anything. We are ministry majors. We don't have high paying jobs and steady salaries. Someone else is going to have to do it for us. We'll stand on the side lines and cheer, we'll make a Facebook group/event to show our mediocre support, we may even casually mention it to a few friends. Just as long as we ourselves don't have to get in, get involved, and get messy.

Guess what? There are more non-ministry majors than there are ministry majors. Guess what else? The disciples were fishermen. Some of the prophets were farmers. Matthew worked for the IRS. Rahab was a prostitute. Every person God has ever used has been nothing but a human and a screw-up. Some of them were "ministry majors," and many of them weren't. Some of them were bigger than others.

Our majors, jobs, salaries (or lack thereof), familes, etc. should not determine our usefullness to God. It doesn't matter what stage of life you're in. You still have something to offer. You have something to give.

We expect great things out of people like Abraham and Paul.

Maybe it's time we started expecting great things out of people like Zephaniah and Habakkuk as well.

Maybe we should begin to expect it of ourselves.